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Monday, March 30, 2015

Superintendent blasts state for wanting to give tax payer money to for profit charter schools.

The following is a letter that Pasco Superintendent Kurt Browing sent to prominent legislators in Tallahassee.

Richard...I just read that the House adopted an amendment by Rep Fresen that will require school districts to share part of the 1.5 mills with charter schools.  This is VERY problematic.  School districts are already strapped for capital dollars.  The millage was 2 mills but the Legislature cut it to 1.5 all the time our school facilities are in disrepair.  The Legislature will not even consider giving local district the option of increasing the millage to 2 mills by a supermajority vote. With the vote of the House, school district(s) will be in a position of having difficulties in meeting debt service payments.  A great deal of the 1.5 mills goes to debt service.  Additionally, this may very well cause school districts to have their bond ratings reduced making it even more difficult to borrow if they have the capacity.  I am not opposed to charter schools but I have a very hard time when public dollars are diverted to for profit charter schools that knew what they were getting into when they established their charter.  Public schools continue to suffer while for profit charters benefit.  I am very disappointed in the actions of the House.

There is no longer any pretense, the legislature is looking to dismantle our public schools to fill the coffers of their charter school supporters.  

1 comment:

  1. Why is Superintendent Browing the only one if all Florida who is speaking out?
