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Monday, March 30, 2015

Superintendent Vitti takes credit for sun rising

Oy vey, okay I am willing to admit, I may have lost sight of things, that I may be cynical or jaded when it comes to the superintendent but I will let you be the judge. The following is a letter he sent to district employees.

Good Morning Teachers,
On the heels of announcing our historic salary increases last week, we would like to provide you with courtesy tickets to the Jacksonville Armanda game this Saturday, April 4th.  We have 1,000 tickets available to teachers for the game against Edmonton. The game will take place at 7:30 p.m. at EverBank Field. You can request up to 4 tickets each - first come, first served.
If you would like tickets, they can be picked up on Thursday, April 2nd from the security desk at the Duval County School Board (1701 Prudential Dr., 32207) office between 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. or, at the Teacher Supply Depot – Supply Give-A-Way (3108 Lenox Avenue, 32254) from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Thank you for what you do for our students every day!
Nikolai P. Vitti, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

I don't know about you but I don't feel so great about a 3.8 percent raise when I have been living on three percent less since 2011. I don't know about you but I am still bitter about losing a step when the district declared financial urgency while simultaneously siting over a hundred million in reserves. I don't know about you but most teachers I know would have rather had a greater base pay rather than the opportunity to make bonuses. I don't know about you but where appreciative of the raise I still know Duval is one of the worst paying districts in one of the worst paying states when it comes to teacher salary.

So yes the raise may be historic but that's like me saying we will have a historic amount of sun rises tomorrow or me saying if I go ten days without shaving I have a historic beard. Quite frankly it doesn't mean that much. 

Why didn't he just go, hey guys we have these tickets we would like to give you, thank you so much for all that you do? Why does he feel the need to try and spin everything? Spoiler alert he does not walk on water and we have a long way to go and if Vitti is taking us there we are on a road with lots of twists and turns.  

So thank you for the offer of tickets, I may take you up on it but keep your historic talk to yourself until it actually means something.



  1. I doubt he paid for those tickets. Taking credit for someone else's generosity.

    1. I am sure they were donated, my point was why bring up the raise, sheesh. the owner of the Armada by the way is Gary Chartrand's son in law.

  2. Vitti sucks! I'm still bitter about the lost step too.

  3. I am on step 95 of the Masters Pay Scale, and I guess my definition of 'Historic' differs from that of Vitti's. If a .7 % raise is historic then you can just call me George Washington.

    POINT seven ?
