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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Local Jacksonville education leaders who never taught or haven't taught much

The Huffington Post did a piece on all the education leaders who never taught including Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Why Obama, why, why, why.

And it got me thinking about local education leaders who never taught or didn't teach that much.

First there is our Superintendent Vitti who taught for just two years at two different schools in North Carolina and New York.

There is Trey Csar the president of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund who spent two years as a teacher for America teacher in Louisiana.

Chair of the State Board of Education Gary Chartrand, a grocer by trade, says thirty years ago he substituted some but to be honest I can neither confirm or deny that.

School Board members Scott Shine, Jason Fischer, and Cheryl Grymes, nope, nope and nope.

Then there is Ashley Smith Juarez who I believe taught at Bolles for a couple years, it says in the SB biography she taught for public schools too but I can't find any record of that, she's so young the timeline would be really tight

So there you have it there is a woeful lack of teaching experience, especially local and public among our leaders. I can't help but think that has contributed to our schools spinning their wheels.

1 comment:

  1. A bunch of knuckle heads is what they are, not educationists! Shame on these hypocrites! Shame! Shame! Shame!
