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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Can we be honest, Jacksonville really hates black folks

Now some of you are probably saying, whoa, whoa, son, I don't see color. I am an ally. I am woke. The truth is only you know what is in your heart, but I am talking about Jacksonville, which has systematically disenfranchised the African American community, and it continues to do so to this day with the white mayor and the overwhelmingly white city council, fighting against a sales tax referendum that would be used to repair, upgrade, and replace schools in primarily  African America communities where they have been neglected for decades. Now you might think you might be woke, but if you are silent on this issue, you are definitely complicit.

Jacksonville was so racist that the powers that be thought it was better for the school system to loose their accreditation than do anything to help its schools that had African American students. Though just know the powers that be at that time used a different word to describe the students. This wasn't a close vote either. There weren't a few members of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; it was unanimous.

According to the JaxDailyRecord, they listed several reasons, “major problems related to inadequate financial support” that led to the recommendation: Inadequate maintenance procedures, inadequate custodial care of buildings and grounds, inadequate textbooks and other instructional materials, insufficient number of teachers, particularly in elementary and feeder junior high schools, inadequate laboratory equipment, libraries, and collections, schools resorting to fund-raising activities that were educationally unsound to supplement limited budgets, and a “fee system” in all schools which “violated basic principles of publicly supported education”.

Does any of that sound familiar, like it might be going on today?

Without a doubt, generations of African Americans were robbed of their rights and a chance of a decent education here in Jacksonville, and that’s not hyperbole. That’s just how it was. Exacerbating matters, our city’s leaders were resistant to change even as the writing appeared on the wall, during the civil rights movement of the sixties. It was kicking and screaming that they agreed to busing in 1971, when the best solution would have been to provide the proper resources to all the schools regardless of what side of town they were in. Though I can imagine any trepidation the leaders of the black community may have had if that promise would have come through. After all, they were the recipients of the systematic abuse and discrimination. Unfortunately busing didn’t work as well as some would have hoped.

I remember, growing up, black kids being bused to my west side school in elementary school, then I was bused to the Northside for sixth and seventh grades, and things kind of went along for a number of  years.

Children were forced to travel many miles from their homes to unfamiliar parts of town when there was often a neighborhood school close by. African American opponents believed it created problems with discipline and eroded away the cohesiveness of neighborhoods. White opponents claimed their children were being sent to dangerous neighborhoods. Both groups thought it hurt parental involvement and extra-curricular activities, and some people think it worsened the problems of economic and racial segregation by encouraging white flight (white families moving to suburbs). It would be disingenuous of me to blame all these problems on the school district because busing was the nation’s plan, and like the rest of the nation, Duval County gave it the old college try, but at the same time up until then, Jacksonville had shown zero interest in doing the right thing.

The powers that be didn't like the federal government telling us what to do and say. They thought they could get out of this court order, which meant they had to get more white families to willingly send their children to school on the Northside, but not necessarily with "those" students. What could they do to make white families get on board, and then it hit somebody, they would create magnet schools.

I bet most of you thought Stanton was created to give academically talented children more opportunities, but no, it was created to take away the opportunities of black children, but now with the percentage of white students up in neighborhoods of color, they could say look we're woke. We're doing the right things, and it didn't matter that even though the schools may  have been next door to each other, one was mostly white an the other mostly black. 

Then in 2001 with Douglas Anderson and Stanton created to help the numbers appear even better, Duval County was declared desegregated, and we were let out from underneath the watchful eye of the federal government. You probably guessed it; things gradually went back to the way they were before. Schools re-segregated themselves, and resources, more and more scarce resources, after 2006, went to the prominently white areas of town. Schools in the inner core and in neighborhoods where large numbers of African Americans live were allowed to deteriorate. 

Throw in No Child left Behind, Race to the Top, and Tallahassee's accountability on steroids, and sadly a lot of African American Children were robbed of the education they should have had.

Fast forward to today. Mayor Curry and the city Council are exacerbating the problems of the last sixty years by fighting against Duval County Public School's desire to have a sales tax referendum to fix it's ailing and crumbling schools, as they hold out for a larger piece of the pie for charter schools.

Now you might be thinking, aren't charter schools supposed to help poor and mostly minority children? Their supporters are always saying zip codes shouldn't determine destinies, and you would be thinking wrong.

Today's charter schools, for the most part, don’t open in poor and minority neighborhoods. No friends, they open at the Beach, in Baymeadows, or Mandarin, which as 8, count them 8 charter schools with more probably coming. Mandarin, by the way, has not just some of the best schools in Jacksonville but in the state as well, and it’s because of this demographic that charters seeing dollar signs want to open there.  No friends, the zip code assertion is just a canard meant to distract.

So DCPS wants to start addressing the inequities. DCPS wants to start putting significant resources into our schools that serve mostly poor and minority children, and what does Curry and the Council say? No, you can't do it. They say to a community that has waited for sixty years to do the right thing to keep waiting. They propagate the racism and neglect what has plagued this city for decades, and they do so with a smile.

Jacksonville hates black folks, it really does.

Mayor Curry's wife understands the schools need the referendum, has she asked why her husband is against it?

From ActionNewsJax,

First Lady Molly Curry said she spends a lot of time in local classrooms and said she’s witnessed some of the issues teachers and students face. “I've been to some of these schools where I’ve gone to read through Jax Kids Book Club and I’ve seen where the air isn’t working properly, some of them the schools aren’t kept up to speed, so I’m in favor and supporting and helping these schools get up to speed so everyone is on an equal playing field,”

She seems to really get it there right?

Is this a conversation they are having?

Has she asked her husband why he is against it?

Has Curry told his wife about how his big donors have close ties to charters schools and all the money they have given him? Has she asked about the tweets supporting charters he puts out while fighting against public schools getting the resources they desperately need? Or is she like her husband who is willing to say whatever he thinks sounds good no matter how disingenuous it is?

The bottom line is Mayor Curry is willing to risk economic opportunity and prosperity for the city, while refusing to do what is right for the city's teachers, schools and most importantly children and if his wife doesn't get that, despite her supportive words is complicit. That is the bottom line.   

Saturday, June 29, 2019

DCPS staff disrespected by Mayor Curry and the City Council

As I see it DCPS has two really big issues. First its crumbling infrastructure which it has tried to address through the sales tax referendum, but just as big is its economic issues for its staff. DCPS already has about 400 openings and without a doubt one of the reasons it has trouble attracting and keeping staff is the pay.  Florida ranks in the high forties when it comes to teacher pay but lets not forget many of our clerical staff and para professionals don't receive a living wage.

Does anybody else see the irony of Mayor Curry and the city council working out of a basically brand new city hall, paid for with a half cent sales tax fighting against a half cent sales tax so the schools teachers work in can be repaired? Anyone? Why can't teachers get the same resources as the political class or are nice things only for them?

It's insulting what the mayor and city council are doing to the teaches and children of the district, straight up insulting.

Why is he doing it? Well as seen by recent tweets, Curry loves charter schools, and loves them to the point he is willing to let public schools be less safe and crumble.

DCPS is the second biggest employer after the navy in Jacksonville with 14,000 staff members. That's 14,000 families that Curry has snubbed his nose at, who he is told don't matter.

Finally I want to say there are members on the city council fighting for the referendum and their support is appreciated, sadly however there are more than a few who don't seem to care.

Let me explain why safety concerns don't move Curry and Chartrand on the tax referendum

It is a sad reality that in this day and age we have to be concerned bout hardening our schools to make them safer, and sadly Tallahassee has not adequately funded this. Superintendent Green said at a recent school board workshop said that if the referendum passes she wants to spend five dollars per square foot on every school, including every charter on safety. It is her and the boards priority to make sure our schools are safe.

Since this is the case it was hard to understand why Mayor Curry and the Civic council are so resistant to the tax referendum but then I think I figured out why.

Several members of the civic council in addition to being financial donors to Curry also have close ties to two charter schools. The KIPP school and the Tiger Academy. These two charter schools received an extra two and one million respectively in the recent state budget. No other public or charter school received this extra money. 

Is it that Mayor Curry and the Civic council don't care about paying for safety at all our schools because the schools they have ties with already receive extra money they can use to keep their students safer? If so that is heinous.

We should ask ourselves some questions. Does anybody think it is a good idea to needlessly wait an extra year to make our schools and kids safer? Why do the civic council's charter schools get extra money when the public schools and the other charter schools don't? Why aren't the mayor and the civic council doing all they can to make our schools safer,  and finally since our schools desperately need the extra resources and most of the city is behind the referendum why are the mayor and the civic council fighting against it? 

Two reasons come to mind, they want our public schools to fail and don't care if they are not as safe as they could be, and/or they want a bigger cut of the sales tax referendum, both terrible reasons to put our children in danger.

Friday, June 28, 2019

If Florida is the nation's ground zero for school privatization, then Jacksonville is Florida's ground zero

If Florida is the country's ground zero for privatization, the Jacksonville is Florida's ground zero.

This is a story about a major city where the Mayor and City Council on behalf of a mega donor are fighting against a tax referendum that should have sailed through if not for a city attorney changing the meaning of the word shall, that most of the city supports and its public schools desperately need, so public schools can suffer and charter schools can prosper.  

The Duval County School Board wants to do a sales tax referendum to raise for money for their crumbling schools, the oldest in Florida. 

This is something 23 other districts in Florida has done, and the statute says, the county commission or city council, shall put the referendum on the ballot.

Well a corrupt or incompetent city attorney changed the meaning of the word shall, to if they want. 

He undoubtedly did this for a mayor, Lenny Curry who loves charter schools.  

Who has a very rich donor, Gary Chartrand who loves charters as well. He brought KIPP and TFA to town and despite being a grocer parlayed a huge donation to former governor Rick Scott to a spot on the state board of education, where during his tenure, Charters greatly increased their power and public schools lost funding and school boards had much of their authority stripped. Oh and he doesn't live in Jacksonville and sent his children to expensive and exclusive private schools.

They have been bullying the district to give give charters a per pupil cut of the tax referendum..

Which is a terrible idea, First a significant amount of charter schools in Duval are run by for profit management companies that rent their facilities to the charter. What other for profit business that provides a service gets their building and maintenance upkeep paid for?  The answer is none, they get paid a fee, which charter schools also are paid and that is supposed to cover their costs. What Chartrand wants to do is double dip. Furthermore this is a bad deal for the public. If for any reason those charters were to close then all the money invested by the public o those properties is lost.
Then many of these charter schools are new and don't have the same maintenance construction costs/needs that our public schools do. Lets take the charter school at Baymeadows and brand new facility and Raines High school and older facility that should be rebuilt. If we were to share proportionally then the owners of the Baymeadows charter school would have their pockets overflowing with Tax payer money while Raines would never get rebuilt. Chartrand knows all of that as well.
The district has also said since the beginning it would share the tax referendum money with charters. They just want more.

By the way, Chartrand's charter school already gets millions extra in public money

Well with Curry and Chartrand fighting against the referendum it has been stalled.

Then  Clay county literally a suburb of Jacksonville just yesterday decided to have a tax referendum of their own this November, when DCPC also wanted to have the referendum.  

No muss no fuss, what's the difference between Clay and Duval, well Charters. Curry and Chartrand want to make Duval the first Charter only county in Florida and even the state commissioner of education has pushed it. 

And the IDEA charter schools have said they are on their way. 

And everyone from the incoming president of the local city council to a state board of education member is trying to force the school district to give into Gary Chartrand

Finally all of this is going on despite the fact most of the city wants the referendum

This is a major city where the Mayor and City Council on behalf of a mega donor are fighting against a tax referendum that should have sailed through if not for a city attorney changing the meaning of the word shall, that most of the city supports and its public schools desperately need, so public schools can suffer and charter schools can prosper.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lenny Curry's gas lighting continues

gerund or present participle: gaslighting
  1. manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.
    "mayor curry wants people to think he supports our schools, when he really wants them to fail and be replaced by charters. 

Wow what a specific example, and Curry could teach a master class. He thinks if he tells the same lie enough times people will start to believe him.

From Florida Politics,

That extends to the squabble with the School Board over the timing and process on the school tax. We noted that vocal segments of the community doubt his sincerity in finding a solution, despite statements saying just that.
“That’s just nonsense,” Curry said. “I’ve said with great clarity I’ll lead the charge for a 2020 referendum.”
“I’ll bring every political skill, talent, winning strategy … to pass that referendum, if they put together a plan with the clear things that are needed,” Curry said.
He would even work with them on that plan, which would need to address debt service and  priorities.
Curry noted that a plan must include how the money is to be spent, lest the district be left like Manatee County, which he said has a tax but is unable to figure out how to program the funds.
“They’re fighting about where to spend it,” Curry said, noting that plans, including architectural schematics and permitting paths, take a while to come to fruition.
“You can’t spend without a plan,” Curry said. “They can get it right, I’ll work with them, lead the charge. The schools need help, no doubt about it.”
Regarding the precise cut charter schools should get, Curry said “that would have to be negotiated with the people who care about that issue deeply … I do think charter schools should be part of the equation.”
“I believe they’re serious about getting this done,” Curry said. “But why the constant combativeness?”
“I’ve said on the record: Let’s Go! Let’s do this! I’m in!”
Um what the %$#^?!?
He must think the people of Jacksonville are striaght up dumb. He's for it? About charters, he thinks they should be involved  but he doesn't care about the issue?
This was his text last night.

Um he didn't exactly say, charters yeah whatev.
Then he keeps saying they don't have a plan, they do, and haven't answered questions, they have, is he Trumping us, which used to be Goebbeling us, telling the lie often enough it becomes the truth.
Sadly we have a mayor who wants our public schools to fail so they can be replaced by charters. We have a mayor who has abdicated his responsibility to do what he can to bring economic property to our town just so he can satiate his donors and  his hatred of public schools and we have a mayor who thinks if he tells the lie enough times people will start to believe him. Shameful, just shameful.

Scott Shine's recent public records request, I think I am in somebody's head.

"School board island" now that's not a TV show I would watch

Um half of his requests have to do with me, ooolala I have the vapors.

Some fun above but as you can see below what the SB had to deal with while he was on the board. If he didn't get his way he would have tantrums or run to the media. Spoiler alert Scott the problems with decorum were all about you. Shine was an awful SB member and we are way better off without him.

Finally KUDOS to the records department, the turn around, I made a request, fell asleep, woke up and it was there, was outstanding.

Scott Shine asks the district for my correspondence.

I think this means I must be doing something right.

I received this email.

First Scott doesn't seem unhinged in this email, a big difference form other ones I have seen from him, almost polite.

Second, Scott's mistaken if he thinks it's the board who gives me my information, I get it from parents, teachers, community members,  and people that care about public education. People that are outraged that a cabal of rich and mostly white men want to dismantle our public schools, and to whom things like facts, evidence and what is right don't matter. That's who I get my information from. Plus have you read my stuff? 90 percent of it is just me commenting on the things people like Shine do.

Scott will be disappointed with what he gets but maybe I won't because I sent Ms. Grant the following e-mail.

I would like to know everything that Scott Shine has requested in the last sixty days.

Thank You so much and have a great day 

So two can play at Scott's little game.

Just who has Gary Chartrand donated to in just the last 4 years? It's a long list

Below is just local contributions. Notice the four extra entities he created to skirt campaign donation rules. If I tried to donate as Chris Guerrieri, C.P, Guerrieri, Christopher Guerrieri,  Mr. G and the G-Man, I would be in jail. Sadly what he has done is legal, legal not ethical.

This does not include state contributions, contributions in other counties and contributions that his wife, son and daughter have given.

ypeDateCandidateOfficeContributor/VendorAmountCont Type/PurposeTypeOccupationAmendReport
Contribution6/26/2014Curry, Lenny-653Mayor
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution6/23/2016Jones, Warren-747School Board Dist 5
Unreasonable Leadership Book,
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 32082
$1,000.00BusinessCheckBook SalesP1
Contribution7/19/2016Tison, Greg-735School Board Dist 7
Unreasonable Leadership Book,
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl 32082
Contribution3/30/2018Curry, Lenny-831Mayor
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
$1,000.00BusinessCheckLAND DEVELOPMENT

TypeDateCandidateOfficeContributor/VendorAmountCont Type/PurposeTypeOccupationAmendReport
Contribution6/26/2014Curry, Lenny-653Mayor
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution7/19/2016Tison, Greg-735School Board Dist 7
Chartair Holdings, LLC
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach , Fl 32082
Contribution3/30/2018Curry, Lenny-831Mayor
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$1,000.00BusinessCheckPROPERTY INVESTMENTSM3
Contribution4/16/2018Chauncey, Dave-840School Board Dist 6
Chartair Holdings, LLC
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

TypeDateCandidateOfficeContributor/VendorAmountCont Type/PurposeTypeOccupationAmendReport
Contribution6/23/2016Jones, Warren-747School Board Dist 5
Messenger of the Truth, LLC
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 32082
Contribution4/16/2018Chauncey, Dave-840School Board Dist 6
Messenger of the Truth LLC
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
Total Contributions$2,000.00
Total Expenditures$0.00

1/21/2015Gaffney, Reggie-684City Council District 7
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
$500.00IndividualCheckSales andMarketingF2
Contribution1/21/2015Republican Party of Duval County, -551Political Party
Gary Chartrand
6600 Corporate Center Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32216-0973
$5,000.00IndividualCheckMarketing Exec.F7
Contribution1/30/2015Greater Jacksonville PC, Together For A-650Political Committee
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponta Vedra BLVD
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$25,000.00IndividualChecksales /marketingF2
Expenditure2/1/2015Holland, Jerry-582Property Appraiser
Gary R. Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$250.00refund partial contrib.Disposition of FundsTRQ
Contribution2/28/2015Bowman, Aaron-695City Council District 3
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Boulevard
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution8/12/2015Republican Party of Duval County, -551Political Party
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution2/29/2016Grymes, Cheryl-733School Board Dist 1
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$1,000.00IndividualCheckSales &MarketingM2
Contribution5/5/2016Yes for Jacksonville PC, c/o Eric Robinson, Treasurer-740Political Committee
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
Contribution5/31/2016Tison, Greg-735School Board Dist 7
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach , Fl 32082
Contribution6/23/2016Jones, Warren-747School Board Dist 5
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Bch, FL 32082
$1,000.00IndividualCheckExecutiveof AcostaP1
Contribution8/8/2016c/o Vic Cirillo, Treasurer, Republican Party of Duval Co. Executive Comm. (PPEC)-722Political Party
The Gary R Chartrand Trust
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution3/12/2017Salem, Ron-755City Council At Large Group 2
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$1,000.00IndividualChecksales &marketingM3
Contribution5/18/2017Shine, Scott-759School Board Dist 2
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl 32082
Contribution10/25/2017Diamond, Rory-781City Council District 13
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, fl 32082
Contribution10/31/2017Cumber, LeAnna-786City Council District 5
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution1/20/2018Boylan, Michael-796City Council District 6
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Contribution2/26/2018Conry, Rose-787City Council District 6
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
$1,000.00IndividualCheckEXEC SALES/MARKETINGM2
Contribution3/30/2018Curry, Lenny-831Mayor
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$1,000.00IndividualCheckExec Consumer GoodsM3
Contribution3/30/2018Jacksonville On The Rise, -825Political Committee
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$25,000.00IndividualCheckCEO SALES/MARKETINGM3
Contribution4/16/2018Chauncey, Dave-840School Board Dist 6
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
Contribution4/23/2018Shine, Scott-759School Board Dist 2
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Jax, FL 32082
$-1,000.00IndividualRefundCEO AcostaM4
Contribution6/11/2018Howland, Nick-848School Board Dist 2
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Boulevard
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32802
Contribution7/11/2018Hazouri, Tommy-863City Council At Large Group 3
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32223
Contribution7/31/2018Jones, Mia-859Tax Collector
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Boulevard
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution9/26/2018Jacksonville On The Rise, -825Political Committee
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
$25,000.00IndividualCheckCEO SALES/MARKETINGM9
Contribution10/17/2018Jones, Mia-859Tax Collector
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Boulevard
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution11/29/2018Bowman, Aaron-924City Council District 3
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution12/15/2018Pittman, JuCoby-926City Council District 8
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Ave
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
Contribution1/15/2019Freeman, Terrance-935City Council At Large Group 1
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl 32082
Contribution1/16/2019Jackson, Brenda A. Priestly-922City Council District 10
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Beach Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Contribution1/25/2019Jacksonville On The Rise, -825Political Committee
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
$25,000.00IndividualCheckCEO SALES/MARKETINGF2
Contribution3/22/2019Gettinger, Sunny-817City Council District 14
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Ponte Vedra Bea, FL 320821313
$1,000.00IndividualCheckMarketing CEOG1
Contribution4/2/2019Hazouri, Tommy-863City Council At Large Group 3
Gary Chartrand
139 Ponte Vedra Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32223
