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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

World's worst school board member Scott Shine, jokes about schools falling apart.

I learned last night he hated his first name, Francis. That realy has nothing to do with anything but I thought I would share.

Scott Shine sent and email to the city council attempting to sabotage the half cent sales tax referendum but he couldn't help himself and sent the letter to the school board too with a snarky note attached. He wrote,
Yes, pictures of rusty pipes an leaking roofs are very compelling.  Please consider the economic and financial background in understanding this issue.  Thanks!
You know schools falling apart is very compelling. Lets just dismiss it and move on shall we.

Friends this guy basically quit while continuing to collect a pay check and he has the nerve to question the school board's understanding of the issue. The board has literally worked on this all year bringing in experts and consultants, but he is this failed surfer, drunk on being appointed to the charter review commission saying he knows what's best.

Um Scott you were on the board for four years, sorry you collected a pay check for 4 but were really on there a bit over three, and you were terrible and unprepared and that's what your colleagues would say.    

I have included his letter below, I may go through it later and dismantle his points but pay attention to where he says IDEA charters is going to open up ten to twelve in Jacksonville, that friends is a straight up lie, something he and his Master Chartrand aren't beyond telling. I scoured the internet and couldn't find that anywhere. I know that's his fever dream but its also not true.

Members of the City Council:

The welfare of Jacksonville’s children is no one’s exclusive domain, it is the responsibility of everyone.  Not the least of which, the members of the Jacksonville City Council.  In my four years on the school board, I was very close with the need to rebuild the school district’s physical plant.  Primarily, because I was the only board member advocating and promoting the rebuild and associated funding during that period.  The need is real.  However, the proposed plan is evolving and needs to clearly define deliverables, as well as to take into consideration the falling enrollment numbers of Jacksonville’s traditional public schools.  Concerns and questions that need resolution:
  • Dr. Vitti discussed an estimated $1 billion need two years ago.  How do you account for the number at nearly $2 billion today?
  • Do you need to build all schools to standard as “hurricane shelters?”
  • Are other school districts who have done this (St. Johns, etc.) comparable to Duval?  St. Johns has too many students.  We have too few.
  • There are currently over 20,000 empty seats in DCPS, but the plan only eliminates 5,000?
  • Last week, Idea Charter Schools announced they will bring 12 to 14 schools to Jacksonville – mostly in the urban core.  How are charters recognized as an impact to student populations?
  • Some estimates show a realistic attrition in Duval traditional public schools at 1,000 to 2,000 per year.
  • In 1965, DCPS had 125,000 students with a total county population of 509,000.
  • In 2018, DCPS has 113,000 students with a total county population of 950,000.

In 2017, the Florida Department of Education released a study that showed Charter Schools out-performed traditional public schools on standardized tests.  What’s more, Charters in the “Schools of Hope” category have been shown to be among the highest performing charters among comparable demographic groups.  These “philanthropic” charters bring additional money into public education though state funding and local giving.  KIPP school alone brings in about $2 million additional dollars each year from philanthropy.  There is the likely potential for these schools to bring in tens of millions of new, additional dollars for those students who need it the most. 
Charters are important from a capital improvement standpoint because the building cost, maintenance and final disposition of the school building is the responsibility of the charter operator, not the county.  The cost of building a new charter school facility for the Duval county tax payer = $0.  Three years after opening, charters get a smaller share of local ad valorem and state capital dollars as compared to traditional public schools.  How could this be used to save the taxpayer money and provide quality education for all?  According to your school district, it was not considered openly.  From the Florida Times Union, 6/4/2019: “A School Board member, who asked not to be named, said that when mapping out the master facilities plan, board members were discouraged from relying too heavily on charter school locations in planning.”  When a member of an elected body must speak to the citizen through condition of anonymity, you have to question the level of transparency.
We need to close schools and Dr. Greene’s plan calls for that.  I believe in the end this list may grow.  But, critical to this endeavor is a plan and funds to deal with shuttered school facilities and grounds.  We know from the past that closed, empty school buildings and grounds create blight and are associated with an increase in crime and decrease in economic activity.  We need a specific plan for the future of these closed school sites and this issue sits squarely in the wheel-house of the city council.  This plan needs to speak to economic development and funding.
In closing, I understand you have a hard job to do.  I knew four years ago that any ballot initiative for schools would need to cross your desk.  There has been much said about city hall and OGC exceeding authority.  Trust me, your role is not a surprise to anyone who studied this issue.  What’s more, when I championed this cause, my expectation was not a six-month turnaround, but I was of the opinion that two years of development and working with local stakeholders was more realistic.
If your job is only to put this on the ballot, tell me in your own words what I am voting for.  When you can answer that, it’s time to set the date.

Scott Shine

1 comment:

  1. I bet there is a good explanation. Perhaps the fact that the repairs weren't done back in 2016, the cost has increased?

    Quote from Shine's letter:
    Dr. Vitti discussed an estimated $1 billion need two years ago. How do you account for the number at nearly $2 billion today?
