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Sunday, June 16, 2019

There haven't been a lot pf profiles in courage and integrity on the city council of late.

There haven't been a lot of profiles in courage and integrity out of the city council during this sales tax referendum debacle, but that doesn't mean there haven't been supporters and perhaps the most vocal has been councilmen Jim Love.

From the Times Union,

 City Council member Jim Love put himself in the “for” column when he voiced his support for approving the School Board’s request to have a special election on Nov. 5.
Love noted that the School Board would pick up the cost for holding the special election. He said the faster the school district can benefit from sales tax revenue, the better it can respond to tackling problems “that will only get worse” and more costly over time.
“I think people deserve to weigh in on this,” Love said. “It’s important not just for the schools. It’s very important for our kids. It’s also important for our economy. We need good schools.”
You know I don't know how much Love and I would agree on, but he gets it here and I bet he was dying to say even more.
If we had a city government that worked for the people instead of business interests, this kerfuffle over the sales tax referendum never would have happened. When the city attorney came out with his ridiculous ruling, the city council should have said no, that's not how this works, the school board doesn't work for us anymore than we work for them and like what happens in every other county in the state when a school board asks for a referendum, even if we don't agree with it we are putting it on the ballot. That's what should have happened. Instead we have board members who think its okay to subvert both democracy and decent and that should frustrate and alarm us all.

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