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Friday, June 21, 2019

Lenny Curry and the civic council's con job is wearing thin (rough draft)

They say the devil's greatest trick was convincing people he did not exist. Mayor Lenny Curry on the other hand has been trying to convince people he cares about the city's schools and children, the thing however is, fewer and fewer people are falling for his trick.

Curry and his allies on the civic council have engaged in a con job, trying to convince the city they care about our children and schools when nothing could be further from the truth. 

They have said the board doesn't have a plan when they do

They have said the school tax referendum isn't fully vetted, though those people in charge of vetting it say it is. 

They say the community hasn't been involved when it has. 

They have said it is to expensive when it will save five million dollars.

Their  list of reasons for fighting against the referendum, for fighting against schools and children is as long as it its specious and thankfully the city is picking up on it.

From the Times Union,

Duval voters want to see a half-cent sales tax benefiting schools on their ballots, a new poll revealed.
The University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab released a new survey Friday asking where the community stands on issues, including the potential school sales tax referendum, marijuana decriminalization and the city selling the Jacksonville Electric Authority.
Results revealed a large desire for marijuana criminal reform, strong opposition toward the city selling JEA and what’s been classified as “overwhelming support” for a sales tax benefiting the county’s public schools.
According to the research lab, approximately 75 percent of Duval County registered voters support the proposed sales tax. That support is reportedly the strongest among registered Democrats (86 percent) but still garnered 60 percent of the support of registered Republicans.
Voters indicated by a margin of 46 percent to 34 percent that they disapprove of the way the Jacksonville City Council is handling its job.
“No matter how you slice it, Duval voters are very supportive of the half-cent sales tax increase,” said Michael Binder, the Public Opinion Research Lab’s faculty director. “Registered voters, general election voters, off-cycle election voters, Democrats and Republicans, all are in favor of getting the schools the revenue they need to upgrade their facilities.”
That upgrade would entail raising Duval’s sales tax from 7 cents to 7.5 cents for 15 years, which would raise an estimated $80 million annually. The money would go toward the school board’s $1.9 billion master facility plan, aimed at overhauling the county’s 163 schools, which include some of the oldest in the state.
The thing is why wouldn't the city be for a sales tax referendum, they understand that Tallahassee has increasingly abdicated their responsibility, Jacksonville has never stood up and even that the referendum is bound to create jobs and increase property values, or you know, things most mayors support.
Curry's strange, until you look at his donor's list, resistance to the referendum has undoubtedly also hurt his popularity. Also from the Times Union. 
The poll also indicated Curry’s popularity is slipping. His approval rate dipped dramatically to 46 percent with 37 percent disapproving. In 2017, 69 percent of voters approved of Curry.
You know that's what happens when you side with millionaires over children.
It's past time Curry and the City Council put their specious reasons for opposing the referendum and did the right thing and approved it. The people of Jacksonville will take over from there.

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