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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

We aren't being led by the mayor and city council, we are being ruled by their donors on the civic council who are puling their strings.

The city public works department recommended DH Griffin Wrecking company be paid 1.07 million to demolish the landing. I hope people understand we are demolishing the landing with absolutely no plan to replace it and there have been no community meetings to discuss what will go there or if the building can be re-purposed.

This is particularly ironic because the mayor and several city council members have complained about the million dollar price for a special election that the the school board wants to have in order to finance repairs to their aging schools, and they complained despite the facts DCPS said they would cover the costs and if the referendum passed this November, when they wanted to have it, it would have saved the district 5 million dollars. 

It's also particularly ironic because the mayor and several city council members complained that the district did not have a plan, when they have had one on their web-page for weeks.  

The district also had almost 20 community meetings to discuss plans for the city's schools, which is almost 20 more than the city, which has had none, have had about the landing. 

How is it acceptable that the city engages in behavior that they accuse the school board of doing, and uses specious reasons as excuses not to allow the referendum, which is badly needed going forward? The answer is it shouldn't be. The mayor, and several council members have basically engaged in a misinformation campaign and we should be asking why.

Well friends I believe it's because they and some of their mega donors on the civic council, prefer charter schools, and they both want public schools to fail and want a per pupil rather than based on need, slice of any money the referendum would bring in. 

Friends, we aren't being led by the mayor and city council, we are being ruled by their donors on the civic council who are puling their strings. 

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