When responding to an article about Bernie Sanders wanting to clamp down on the for profit charter school industry, Corcoran was involved in the following Tweet exchange.
Ugh, despicable, and the truth is if Corcoran really cared about kids, all kids, then he would be working to improve and properly fund public education instead, where most kids including poor and minority one go to, of bludgeoning it into pieces which is what he is currently doing.
Here are some of the for profit charter school scandals from just the past week alone.
Charters hiring temps and subs rather than teachers
Charter school in complete disarray stiffing teachers
Charter school accused of stealing 50 million form California
Charter principal loses his license
I could have gone on and on and on and this is the industry that Corcoran has thrown his hat in with and it has nothing to do with helping children and everything to do with the dollar signs Corcoran, whose wife already runs charter schools, apparently sees them floating around.
If we lived in a decent and moral state, this man would not be allowed near anything to do with education but as you can see we don’t and children and tax payers will pay a steep price because of it.
To read more about this truly despicable industry click the link: https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/05/19/federal-government-has-poured-millions-failing-charter-schools-louisiana
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