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Friday, July 31, 2020

200 here, 1200 there, told to quarantine after graduation ceremonies, we know schools will have to close so why are we risking lives?

Attendees to two separate Florida graduation ceremonies are being told to quarantine. 200 in Palm Bay, and 1200 in Brevard because they were exposed to the virus. We all know this will happen in schools, every school board member and superintendent who tells families to sign up for virtual options, know this, they know schools are not safe, yet they are still pushing to open. We are risking lives for what?

Many of the same board members and supers say they feel like they have no choice because of the FLDOE's executive order, an order that the Governor called a guideline and violates the state constitution. It's true the governor and commissioner have exhibited a complete lack of leadership but at some point, school boards and supers have to say enough is enough, and we aren't going to risk lives.   

From Florida Today,

As many as 1,200 people could have to quarantine after attendees at two more Brevard County high school graduations tested positive for COVID-19, Brevard Public Schools said late Thursday.
"Late this afternoon, we were notified that attendees at graduation ceremonies held at Palm Bay Magnet High School and Brevard Virtual School this past weekend tested positive for coronavirus," the school district said in a news release.
"Upon confirming these cases with the Brevard County Department of Health, we began the process of notifying those families who attended each of the ceremonies."
Over 200 Palm Bay graduates and 14 Brevard Virtual School graduates and their guests, along with 43 staff members, are being asked by health officials to self-isolate for 14 days, the release said.
We had 4 days where there were less than 10,000 cases and the Governor does a victory lap. Fewer rather than more cases is a good thing but its not a victory. Cases have to be in the hundreds and trending down for weeks before we can feel any relief. 
At the same time he is doing a victory lap at less than 10k cases, he shrugs his shoulders at the ever-rising death count.  He is either stunningly ignorant, devoid of empathy or it's my guess both.
Schools will open, people will get exposed and schools will close meaning we will have risked our lives for what? 

1 comment:

  1. The key is to not test for covid. There's no telling how many asymptomatic carriers will be in school on the first day because we only check for fevers unlike every professional sports team currently playing. It'll take someone getting sick or worse to make people care.
