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Monday, July 13, 2020

Superintendent Greene's less than inspiring Meninak Meeting

After I read the Times Union's summary of the meeting, I didn't feel much confidence that teachers and their concerns are being addressed.

You know papers have deadlines and space limits, so I tracked it down online and listened. 

Here are the highlights.

She talked about finding out learning losses and mental health, where she mentioned mental health for staff.

Then she talked about CDC guidelines and the massive undertaking bussing for busses. She admitted that they could not meet the standards and talked about mitigation instead.

I am begging to learn guidelines are more like suggestions than rules you can and cannot break even when lives are on the line.

Desks will be spaced apart whenever possible.

Face shields were ordered for all pre-k- second graders.

The upper elementary grades will get face coverings and desk guards.

The district shifted custodians from evening hours to the day so they can clean more while kids are in class.

Greene said she wants kids to go outside and outside a lot.

Every school will have banners that will share information (???).

Then every student will get their temperature checked, but the thing is since people are often asymptomatic, I am not sure how that helps, emphasis mine.

No visitors the first nine weeks.

Plexiglass barriers at the center schools.

Greene admits nothing they are doing will stop the spread of COVID and that they are just mitigating it. This means she knows employees and children will get sick. Then whenever anyone does, they will have an investigation that tells them what to do, whether classes or schools close. She tells the Meniak club, people will get sick, and classrooms will have to close, but hey.

How is this acceptable, she is knowingly risking lives.

Then if people get sick, hey they can quarantine at home where they will be expected to continue to work.

After that, things got kind of fuzzy as the proposition of knowingly and unnecessarily risking my life tends to make happen.

I will be honest I kind of stopped listening, so I would urge you too.

Greene is knowingly and purposely willing to risk lives, and for what?

Okay, I went back and listened to the question and answer session, and after barely mentioning teachers the moderator asked about teachers, and Greene's answers were less than satisfying at one point she chuckled.   


  1. I got an email from HR today telling me that I'm going to be split with another school this year instead of going back full-time to one school like last year...fml.

    Don't get me wrong I love what I do & I'm glad to have a job right now when so many do not but it sucks that I won the Covid lottery. I feel like I'm one of the tributes in Hunger Games and the odds aren't looking so good for me right now. Know what I mean?

  2. Chris, I am in your district however, my senior graduated from AC. What is your opinion on Duval holding in person graduation ceremonies next week? Mind you, ours is at 9am, outside in the dead heat of a Florida summer with only 2 guests during a rise in covid-19 cases. My daughter worked extremely hard to be among the top 5% and is torn with attending her own graduation because there has been NO guidance on how the ceremony will actually take place. It saddens me that so many other districts across the country made graduation memorable in May of the mark of completion of their 13 years of schooling.

    1. Ugh, first they should give you as detailed plans as possible. I don't know all the details but I thought it was good they canceled them in the spring and unless completely safe now, when things are a lot worse them what is the point. I know this sucks but we have to get through this. You know how the first school reunion is usually the 5th, maybe if things are better it could be the first. I wish I had a more hopeful answer for you.

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