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Friday, July 3, 2020

Is DCPS listening to the right people? (draft)

In less than a week,1,320 people joined a new Facebook page, Duval Schools Pandemic Solutions team, concerned with the district's opening plans, concerns magnified by the explosion of Covid 19 cases.

Then, in what I am sure is an unscientific poll on channel 4, 75 percent of people wanted the district to either postpone school or go to a totally online program.

The question was, would you support a postponement of school till after the RNC

Say that poll is off by 20 points, that would still indicate the majority of people wanted something that district wasn't offering. Spoiler I don't think it is off by 20 points and I think the numbers will grow as the coronavirus spreads like wildfire.

We have had over 700 cases a day the last few and where it seems like a long time ago, the entire city sheltered in place when we were having just a few dozen.

Then does the district really thing they are going to get those 4 million dollars worth of plexiglass shields up by the start of school? I can't see it happening.

I am concerned the district isn't listing to parents and teachers as it makes it decisions, which begs the question of who are they listening too and why do they have more pull than staff and families.

Every day I get a little bit closer to saying we need to start with online learning, but we have to up our game especially for ESE and low economic status children for whom online learning did not work so well for. 

If City Hall and Tallahassee want babysitting why don't they provide it? Why is it up to the district and 64-year-old Mrs. McGuilcutty at P.S. 9 to save society?

I am incredibly sympathetic to families that need to work but I am more concerned about the health and well being of our staff and students and quite frankly we need more people on the board and administration to be.

As for postponing schools, I would be for it if teachers and staff were taken care of and then the district didn't try and claw back everything all in one summer.

Finally, I just want to close by saying, I think the district wanting to open school is laudable, and their hard work should be acknowledged and celebrated but at some point, they have to wake up to the reality of the situation and the reality is their plan guarantees people will get sick, and schools will close. 

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