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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Trump, Scott, DeSantis, and Rubio push for in school learning for our kids but not for theirs. (draft)

National and state leaders of a particular party despite the unsafe conditions are pushing for the opening of public schools. That's unacceptable, but it is made even made because their children won't be allowed anywhere near them. Saftey for theirs but danger for ours.

First, there is President Trump, whose son Barron's exclusive private school announced they will start with e-learning.

From Yahoo, 

Despite President Donald Trump's push to have schools reopen their classrooms in the fall, his son Barron Trump won't be sitting in class full-time anytime soon.
The private St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Maryland — which the 14-year-old began attending after moving to Washington, D.C. — announced this week that while a final decision has yet to be made, it is planning not to fully reopen its campus in the fall because of novel coronavirus concerns.
The school shut down and switched to online learning in the spring.
In a letter to parents this week, St. Andrew's said it is preparing either to continue with online classes or to implement a hybrid plan for the next school year, which would use both e-learning and in-person classes by allowing groups of its students to return to campus in cycles, along with social distancing.

I don't like the hybrid model any better than in-person learning, but everyone knows the president's son schools won't want for anything while most public schools want for everything. Also if he has demanded they open like he has public schools, I haven't heard it.

Next, there is Rick Scott, who said his grandchildren won't be in school either.

From Florida Politics, 

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott wants schools to reopen, but he said his grandchildren won’t be in them.

On Tuesday’s edition of Varney and Co. on the Fox Business Network, the first-term Republican from Naples said, while parents should have “choice,” that choice should include distance learning, in addition to five days in brick-and-mortar buildings.
“My daughters are going to be more focused on distance learning right now to make sure their children are safe,” Scott told Varney. “Other parents are going to want to make sure their kids are in the classroom.”
Scott went onto say some really tone-deaf things, but the gist was clear public schools are just fine for our families, but his won't be attending.
Then our Governor, who has been pushing hard for the reopening of schools, doesn't have to worry about it because his children are too young. 
From the Tampa Times,
With Florida’s schools emerging as the latest battleground in the fight over coronavirus public health measures, the state’s three top Republicans aren’t entirely in agreement about what they think is the safest way to go to school when it comes to their own family members. 
Gov. Ron DeSantis said his children, who are too young to attend school, would be going in person if they were old enough. 
You know that's really easy to say when your children's lives aren't the ones put in danger and me for one don't find him credible. 
Then finally there is Marco Rubio, who has a wait and see attitude.
 Also from the Tampa Times, 
And Sen. Marco Rubio did not say if his children would attend classes in person when asked by the Miami Herald, but said he wants to see Miami’s community spread decrease in the coming weeks before students return.
“None of my two kids that are still in school have health conditions,” he said. “No one in our home does. It would be different if that were not the case.”
Oh, there you go, none of them have underlying conditions, and neither do his family members, so he is going to wait and see, must be nice, right?  He gives a great big, good luck to you and yours if anyone in your family does.
Here is a look at what other state elected figures will be doing, notice the difference between parties. 
Florida is averaging over ten thousand cases a day and well over a hundred deaths. Things are bound to get worse, as well. Being in a school is the opposite of what we should be doing right now, and there is no reason worth risking lives. 
This sucks, we all hate it, we all want to be back, but right now it is just too dangerous. It would be nice if those without skin in the game would acknowledge that.

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