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Sunday, July 26, 2020

How other schools and districts are doing with the coronavirus, spoiler, not well

It is all anecdotal how other schools and districts are doing at this point, but what is happening is not pretty. Sadly it is probably a predictor of what's to come in Florida schools, and that's also not going to be pretty.

Private school closes after just reopening.

From Bussiness Insider,

A Pre-K-7 private school in North Carolina notified parents that a staff member had tested positive for the coronavirus a few days after it reopened for in-person teaching. 

On Thursday, Thales Academy Raleigh told parents that a staff member had tested positive for the coronavirus, The News & Observer reported. The school stated that the staff member had been present at the school for training on Monday and interacted with at least 16 students, according to NBC affiliate WRAL. 

The school emailed parents that "the staff member in training was asymptomatic" and "passed the temperature check," according to WRAL. The News & Observer reported that a spokeswoman stated the school would disinfect the classrooms with a Clorox Total 360 machine and resume in-person classes on Friday.

700 quarantined and 51 infected in Austin,

Austin's school district is dealing with hundreds of staff members who are being asked to quarantine due to confirmed cases of coronavirus among staff members.
As of July 22, 51 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 have been reported among Austin Independent School District employees, according to a spokesperson for AISD. As a result, around 698 employees have been asked to quarantine.

This is Florida's future in a few weeks.

Hundreds of school employees test positive in Hillsborough County,

From the Tampa Times, 

More than 200 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Hillsborough County Public Schools this year, district leaders acknowledged late in the week. 

Five of the patients were students. And, from what district leaders have determined, some of the employees who had the disease were ill when they first came to work, suggesting they contracted it someplace else. 

That number of positive cases — 206, to be exact — was included in an email that superintendent Addison Davis sent to School Board members on Thursday, answering a variety of questions they had asked him. Most of the questions were related to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Well, good thing it is summer vacation right. Though I seem to remember people, saying the virus would burn out when the heat arrived. Sadly it must not have gotten the message as we are averaging over ten thousand new cases a day.

Here is a story about how schools have been closing across the globe.

How about how schools closed, reopened, and closed again?

Finally, here is one about how reopening schools in Isreal led to another outbreak.


When schools open it will be a matter of when and how many schools close here in Florida. Schools closing is as inevitable as the sunrise. I know it, you know it and the people pushing for them to open, know it as well. Since that is the case, we are risking lives for what?

The rest of the nation and world has given us a glimpse at our future, one we could avoid if we choose to.

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