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Friday, July 24, 2020

DCPS teachers get 1 extra day of pre planning

Lori Hershey, at a school meeting, said she was for starting later with a purpose and then mentioned training on Duval Homeroom. I have to say I don't know what I don't know, and I did it for almost two months.

Well, we moved the date to the 12th, but teachers only got one extra day of planning.

From the Plan,

This proposal also includes an additional day of preplanning for teachers, for a total of six days for the 2020-2021 school year. The additional day is needed to ensure classrooms are appropriately configured, unnecessary items removed, and lessons prepared for both live and distance learning. In addition to professional development in their respective academic areas, all teachers and instructional paraprofessionals will receive training on COVID safety protocols and strategies for implementing technology to enhance instruction in their instructional areas.

So in addition to all our regular responsibilities we are given one extra day to,

Make sure classrooms are properly configured,

Remove unnecessary items,

Lesson plans prepared for both live and distance learning,

Training on COVID safety protocols,

Strategies for implementing technology,

Um, where is the Duval Homeroom training, in case we have to pivot? 

You know I get it. It might sound tone-deaf to complain about just one extra day of planning, especially with how they have decided to risk not only the health of staff but the health of their families as well, but the list of things they expect teachers to accomplish is no joke. It will undoubtedly take more than one day, and the disrespect that we will somehow just get it done is just one more disrespect lumped with a mile-high list of others.   

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