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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Fauci versus DeSantis, who do you trust?

It's incredible to me that whenever DeSantis speaks about opening schools, he never mentions adults. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, he says children are safe, but never once seems to connect that children live with adults and are taught by adults. He seems ignorant about that fact and Dr. Ananthony Fuci indicates it doesn't stop there.  

Before I continue, everybody wants schools to open, and nobody wants to be locked down. Still, as we are routinely hitting six figures in cases, everyone has to acknowledge what we are doing just isn't working.

From the Hill, 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) disagreed with America's top infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci on Friday, saying he doesn't think his state reopened too early.

“I think there was really no justification to not move forward,” DeSantis said according to The South Florida Sun Sentinel while discussing reopening phases of the state.
His defense comes amid criticism of the state as it sees climbing coronavirus cases, and also follows Fauci saying on FiveThirtyEight’s weekly “PODCAST-19” that he thought the state rushed through reopening phases.
“Despite the guidelines and the recommendations to open up carefully and prudently, some states skipped over those and just opened up too quickly,” Fauci said on the podcast. “Certainly Florida ... I think jumped over a couple of checkpoints." 
Fauci also told The Hill that hard-hit states should not be moving forward with reopening.
"I would think we need to get the states pausing in their opening process, looking at what did not work well and try to mitigate that," Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, told The Hill's Steve Clemons. "I don't think we need to go back to an extreme of shutting down."
Florida again shattered records this week, hitting a high for its recorded number of coronavirus deaths on Thursday. It reported 120 new deaths as the state has quickly become one of the world's epicenters for the virus.

Florida is now the epicenter of the virus.  Yesterday we had 10,360 new cases and 95 deaths. This is what DeSantis calls a good job. This is the environment that he wants teachers and children to rush back into.

We are in the upside-down.


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