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Friday, July 10, 2020

Pediatricians walk back in school support, CDC says they aren't changing their guidelines, so why are schools opening again

The American Academy of Pediatrics created quite a firestorm when they allowed their support for in-person school to steal the narrative two weeks ago. Spoiler alert, they said a lot more about doing it safely but were silent when people just went with the headline. Well, friends, they have walked back the in-person part. 

From NPR, The American Academy of Pediatrics once again plunged into the growing debate over school reopening with a strong new statement Friday, making clear that while in-person school provides crucial benefits to children, "Public health agencies must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics." 

The statement also said that "science and community circumstances must guide decision-making." The AAP is changing tone from the guidance it issued just over two weeks ago

Then, the organization made a national splash by recommending that education leaders and policymakers "should start with a goal of having students physically present in school." 

The Trump administration this week repeatedly cited the AAP in pressuring school leaders to reopen. Dr. Sally Goza, the association's president, appeared at a White House roundtable with President Trump. She later told Morning Edition's David Greene that local coronavirus infection rates and hot spots have to be taken into consideration to safely reopen schools.

Wait, unscrupulous politicians, used the AAP headline as a sound bite to push their dangerous agenda? Color me shocked.  Two things the AAP should be ashamed for what they did, hey put lives in danger, but it is good they finally came to their senses.

So the preeminent organization for the health of children says we have to make decisions based on science, so what does the preeminent science organization the CDC says.

From CNN,

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will not revise its guidelines for reopening schools despite calls from President Donald Trump and the White House to do so, agency Director Dr. Robert Redfield said Thursday.
Instead, additional reference documents will be provided, Redfield told ABC's "Good Morning America."
As anxious parents and educators across the country hand wring over how to safely bring children back to the classroom, the discord between Trump and his top health advisers over appropriate precautions has added another layer of uncertainty.
The President, against the advice of some of the nation's top health officials, has repeatedly called for schools to reopen as coronavirus cases surge across the country.
I have to tell you I am relieved they have resisted the president pressure though I am a little concerned they keep saying, well you know these are guidelines. 
Florida closed its schools when we were averaging a few hundred cases a day, in July we are averaging over 8,000 and many districts are racing to open. I am not an infectious disease doctor but that sounds like a substantial spread to me. 
If we open schools, it is not a matter of if people get sick but when and how many people get sick. Schools will close and we will be right back to where we started having risked people's lives and healths in the process.

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