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Monday, July 20, 2020

DeSantis whether it is ignorance or recklessness he is going to get people killed (draft)

Ron DeSantis has a bachelor's degree in history from Yale and a Law Degree from Harvard. He was a Navy JAG and federal prosecutor too. You would think all of these things would need a modicum of intelligence. Since that is the case, why is he rushing to put lives in danger? One word, and it rhymes with DUMP. 

Ron DeSantis has history and law degrees, and somehow he thinks that makes him more knowledgable than infectious disease doctors.

From News4Jax,

To support his argument that it’s safe enough to reopen schools even as cases continue to rise in Florida, DeSantis said children are at a much lower risk to contract the sometimes deadly virus.

“I look particularly at those elementary school kids, and the science on that is just overwhelming. Yes, they’re at almost zero risk, but even more than that, transmission from an elementary school [student] to an adult is extremely rare,” DeSantis said. “I think generally for schools, the kids aren’t vectors, but you know, as you get into 17-18 [years old], I think you can probably find some examples of that.”

Dr. Mobeen Rathore, a pediatric infectious disease expert, told News4Jax that children can still get very sick with COVID-19.

“COVID-19 is an equal opportunity infection,” Rathore said. “There’s no reason that the child cannot get infected or a child has any less chance of getting infected than an adult, just so happens children don’t get that ill.” 

The bigger concern, Rathore said, are the teachers and other staff at the schools. There’s also a risk students can transmit the disease to parents and grandparents at home, he said.

In addition to being a Doctor, Dr. Rathore seems to know that children live with and are taught by adults, something DeSantis has yet to acknowledge.

Also, how does he think it is safe to open schools when his own emergency operations center was forced to close because of a COVID outbreak.

From the Tampa Times,

Florida officials shut down the state’s emergency operations center on Thursday after 12 staffers tested positive for COVID-19 in recent weeks.

The building, which functions as the state’s command center during statewide emergencies, is closed until Monday and will undergo a deep cleaning, according to the Division of Emergency Management, which operates the center.

The positive cases were discovered after the state started testing employees for COVID-19 twice per week in June. All 12 were not displaying symptoms and passed the building’s screening protocols, which include a questionnaire and temperature checks, according to division Director Jared Moskowitz.

Has anybody had their temperature checked before they go into a building? Um, what is that supposed to do, especially since we know carriers can be asymptomatic.

Well, at least the AAP walked back their talking point that kids should be in school.

A letter was sent to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis asking him to reconsider the order requiring brick and mortar schools to reopen in August.
The letter was sent by the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FCAAP) Thursday. The FCAAP represents the 2,600 pediatricians in the state.
In the letter, FCAAP President D. Paul Robinson writes DeSantis and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran quote the AAP’s statement “children do best when they are in school” as the reasoning for the reopening. He says the AAP meant that statement “only in situations in which children can safely go to school.”
Robinson adds that currently, the viral infection rates in Florida are “extremely high with a rolling average of 14.2 percent of tests positive for new infections over the past two weeks,” citing the data from the state’s department of health.
The FCAAP says if children go to school with such high infection rates, schools will be forced to close quickly after reopening, and many children and families will likely become ill with coronavirus, also referred to as SARS-CoV-2.

Doctors and pediatricians, heck he just got sued by the state's largest teacher's union have all called for the closing of schools to in-school learning, not because they want schools closed but because they know it will both save lives and opening schools will exacerbate the pandemic. Yet, still, DeSantis fights to have them open. Why?  

The only conceivable answer is he has hitched his wagon to the president. He is "ride or die" with Trump, and sadly that means other people may die as well. 

I want to remind DeSantis, he works for the people of Florida, not the president, what's best for us should be his only concern.  

1 comment:

  1. Ronnie has since backpedaled his comments. He did not issue an executive order to the state of FL about reopening schools. He was merely offering guidance. Just like the CDC with their guidelines. But only one of those entities has any credibility.
