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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Duval versus what other big districts are doing

There are 67 different districts in Florida doing things 67 different ways, so I just looked at what a couple of the other big districts were doing so I could compare. Spoiler most seem to be heading in a different direction than us.

Palm Beach, 

From the Palm Beach Post, 
Students in Palm Beach County public schools will continue learning from home when classes resume next month after school board members concluded Wednesday the risks of reopening classrooms were too great.
Under increasing pressure from teachers and local health experts, the seven board members unanimously agreed to keep classes online-only for the district’s 174,000 students until the coronavirus pandemic improves.
“We’re truly not ready,” board member Marcia Andrews said. “We’re not ready from a health standpoint. And we’re not ready from a planning standpoint.”

Miami Dade,

From the Miami Herald, 

Miami-Dade County Public Schools won’t be able to reopen schools, as a new state order calls for, if the county is still in its Phase 1 reopening stage, which county leaders are tightening due to a surge of COVID-19 cases, Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said Tuesday. 

If conditions continue on the same upward trajectory — Florida’s confirmed COVID-19 cases have doubled in the past two weeks to more than 213,000 — Carvalho said in an interview with the Herald that he did not foresee MDCPS “being able to resume schooling in a traditional way.” 

If the county is still in Phase 1 by the start of school Aug. 24, as it is now, schooling would be held entirely online.


From the Tampa Times, 

Reversing a position that stirred anxiety among public school staff and families, Hillsborough County superintendent Addison Davis announced Tuesday that teachers and students must wear masks when campuses reopen in August. 

Previously, Davis had said masks would be encouraged, but optional. He changed his mind after consulting with medical, education and community leaders, and hearing from many teachers and parents. 

“This is a movement that must be taken in order to protect our children,” Davis said. “My responsibility is to take every proactive step I can to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

From the Orlando Sentinel, 

The Orange County school district likely will give parents three options for how their children are educated when the new school year starts next month: a return to in-person, on-campus classes or two online choices that would keep students studying at home. 

As Orange school leaders spent hours Tuesday discussing the options for reopening schools, upset teachers paraded in cars around district headquarters, urging them to keep campuses closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Broward County,

From the Sun-Sentinel, 

South Florida students won’t be required to return to brick-and-mortar classrooms next month, despite a state order Monday that mandates the opening of school five days a week when the new school year starts. 

The order leaves the decision to local officials based on health considerations. South Florida school officials say it would be difficult to have everyone return to school safely as the coronavirus pandemic continues its relentless spread.

Virtual learning, mandatory masks, and options for families not for teachers.

These are interesting and scary times. 

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