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Thursday, July 16, 2020

DCPS gives us a reason the be cautiously optimistic

I was prepared to be disappointed. I thought the board was going to vote to proceed with the super's plan and send teachers and students back into the classroom, now that still might happen, but "what" did happen left me cautiously optimistic.

When they put out the video of this meeting everyone should watch, 15-20 teachers really laid it all out there. There was fire, there was science, and there was passion. They did an amazing job.

Then the meeting started, and after a few remarks Greene said something unexpected, she said if the board votes to change the start date, then I will have to create a new plan because this plan is for the tenth.

My mouth dropped, she was asking the board for a way out and some time to get there. I was elated, but then I got a little confused because the board didn't seem to pick up on it.

Ashley Smith Juarez wanted to go straight to Duval homeroom.

Lori Hershey was in favor of pushing the start day back for a purpose like more professional development.

Elizabeth Andersen wanted assurances from the department of health.

Cheryl Grymes, um, well, she was there.

They went back and forth for over an hour where and I swear to you Greene said at least 2 more times, if the board moves the start date, I will have to come up with a new plan.

It got so frustrating I sent the board this email at 2:29,

   Hello all. I am pretty sure the super wants you to move the start date back to give her time to come up with a new plan. Please give it to her.
That never did come to a vote, but there seemed to be a lot of support from moving the start date back, more support for starting on-line and a lot less apatite for sending kids and teachers into school, and in fact, only one board member seemed to think that was still a workable idea. Other things that I believe got serious consideration are mandatory masks, and if we do go to a hybrid, something I will fight to the end, teachers doing Duval homeroom will work from home.

Not what I wanted, but a lot better than I expected. 

Friends, teachers, parents, I think your passionate advocacy worked. Your voices were heard.

I think we need to still be vigilant, but I have to say I left today more optimistic than I have been in a long time.

1 comment:

  1. I can’t thank you all enough❤️ I’m High Risk so I’m very upset!
