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Friday, July 24, 2020

What will July 23rd look like in the future

Warren Jones, who represents a community that is much more susceptible to the coronavirus and unfortunately many of who will have fewer options, voted with four other members of the school board to open schools to brick and mortar attendance. During the meeting, he said sometimes you make decisions, and you don't know for years if they were the right one or the wrong, well he is correct, we won't know for years, but we do know how horrific yesterday was.

Florida had the most deaths in a single day since the pandemic started, 173. We are now averaging well over a hundred deaths a day in Florida for July, which is really scary when you factor in deaths usually lag about a month behind cases. A month ago, we had 3200 cases and were averaging under 2000 for June. If this holds, we may be averaging 500 deaths a day in a month.

Speaking of cases, yesterday, we had 10,249 cases and passed 400,000 for the state. Let me give you some scale.

It took 111 days to get to 100 thousand cases, 16 days to get two hundred thousand and 19 days to get to 400 thousand. Go ahead and gulp. Sadly there seems to be no end in sight.

That is where we are on the COVID front.

I will always remember yesterday as the day the district ignored 43-out of 46 speakers and a poll which said 72 percent of Duval teachers wanted to do online learning, and 5 members of the board voted to put children and staff at risk and for what?

Friends, it is not a matter of if but when and how many people get sick, and schools close, and they know it too. Heck, the super and Vice-Chair, implored people to sign up for virtual school because it is safer.

Then as a kicker, the RNC said Jacksonville was too dangerous of a place to have their convention while DCPS was voting to send staff and students back into the schools. Let that settle in.

We might not know what future July 23rds will look like, sadly some literally, but we know yesterday was dreadful.

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