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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Who is going to sub in the era COVID?

Subs are essential, even though they are often underpaid and under-appreciated without them, the system would seize up. Well, friends who is going to sub now that they will be putting their lives on the line.

From Marsha Akel Martin,

Unless I’ve missed it, what is the plan for teachers and substitutes? I am a parent of a 9th and 5th grader and started with ESS last year as a substitute teacher. I’ve subbed at two of the same schools (elementary) 2-4 days a week and truly enjoyed it. Since I’ve stayed at two schools I’ve been able to bond with several students, laugh and unfortunately cry with them, and have even thought about teaching full time. With that said, I will not be returning to the classroom until this virus is under control and anticipate this being a large problem for teachers.

And as a sub I’ve seen what happens when there’s not enough avail and 4-5 extra kids come into my classroom - that’s just more exposure and there is no way they’ll be able to “contact trace”. All so irresponsible.

The amount of pay isn’t the issue as earning - that money helps but isn’t why I choose to sub. As much as I support and appreciate teachers and understand this possible life and decision they are having to make returning to the classroom, this time I can’t support them. If I did, it would mean I would not be able to visit my 82 and 79-year-old parents and to me, it’s not worth risking their lives. I, fortunately, can make that decision and it’s not a huge deal. Many of the teachers, expected to return to the classroom in 3 weeks, don’t have that option with much more to lose. The spread of this virus is nothing like we’ve seen in our lifetimes. I keep hearing the word “unprecedented”, why can’t the school board make an “unprecedented” decision and put the lives of the teachers, students, staff and families first by not re-opening the school buildings at least through the first 9 weeks then reevaluate.

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