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Thursday, July 23, 2020

DCPS gives "SOME" i.e poor families an impossible choice while telling OTHER i.e. well off families to opt for safety.

DCPS gives "SOME" i.e poor families an impossible choice while telling OTHER i.e. well off families to opt for safety, they exacerbate the inequalities between groups and further harm the families they think they are helping. In short with fronds like superintendent Greene and the five members of the board who voted to go back to brick and mortar schools who needs any enemies. 

When Superintendent Greene and Vice-Chair Andersen beg people to put their children into Duval Homeroom, they exacerbate the massive inequalities that already exist in Duval. They gave their tacit approval to the fact some people will be able to keep their children safe, and others will have to choose between putting food on the table or risking their children's lives.

Why else would they be telling people to sign their children up for Duval homeroom? They and we all know that having a live in-person teacher is better. They are doing so because they know our schools will be dangerous. They know our schools will not be safe, and there is a likelihood that people will get sick or worse. THEY ADMIT THIS!!!

DCPS cannot control if some family's parents have to work, but they could control if their children were safe or not. Schools should control what schools can control, and in this instance, it was if children and families were safe or not.

My heart breaks for the families put in this terrible position, but how are things going to change for the better if DCPS gives them an option to risk their and their families' lives? How is a business going to realize they have to start providing child care, or community agencies going to know they have to step up or the government going to realize that this is a $#&%ing problem they should finally address after years, sorry decades of ignoring.

They aren't saving these families by giving them an impossible choice. They are guarantying them that all they will ever have is impossible choices. They are also saying, it's okay to sacrifice the lives of teachers on the altar of the economy and callousness. 

From day one, the district has been backward. They should have put everyone, every teacher, and student into Duval homeroom. They should have made sure everyone was safe, and then let people out of their safety. They did not do that. Instead, they robbed people of the choice of being safe, and that is shameful, that is inevitably going to cost people their health and lives and for what.

The district is most likely going to make its own "decision tree" what to do when somebody gets sick because the state department of health has not met with them to give them any guidance. First, what the #$&% the state department of health hasn't met with them to give them any guidance!?! And second, why? Because they know it is just a matter of time before people will get sick, and classrooms or schools will have to close.

What position will the families that they gave "the choice" to put food on the table or keep their families safe then? An even worse position is what. They will have taken these families already in the frying pan and dump them straight into the fire.

Doctors take an oath of, first, do no harm. Schools have a similar saying, and that is, safety first. Well, DCPS has just thrown both out the window.

It's not a matter of if people get sick and schools close but when and how many. The district knows and freely admits this is going to happen. With a wink, they say, please sign up for Duval Homeroom not because it is better but because it is safer. Leaving those left with the false and despicable choice of risking their family's lives or putting food on the table. DCPS CANNOT control the latter, but it could control if people were safe, and they chose not to.

1 comment:

  1. The school board(minus 2) and Greene gave parents, teachers, and students the middle finger. Kudos to ASJ & Willie for showing an ounce of integrity. The majority of the school board sat there for hours and listened to the concerns of teachers, bus drivers, parents, etc. without actually hearing them. Meet the new plan. Same as the old one minus an arbitrary 10 day delay. Might as well start Monday for all the good that will do.
