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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Florida smashed the record for new COVID cases.

On the one hand, governor DeSantis says things are fine, and on the other, Florida is smashing the record for most COVID cases anywhere, ever. To give you some scale, Florida had 15,300 cases yesterday, and the most New York ever had was 11,571, and that was way back on April 15th.

From the Washington Post,

Florida, on Sunday, reported a record of 15,300 new coronavirus cases, the most by any state in a single day since the pandemic reached the United States.
The staggering number was the result of both increased testing and widespread community transmission that has affected the state’s population centers as well as its rural areas. It shattered the previous highs of 11,694 reported by California last week and 11,571 reported by New York on April 15.
Florida is set to hold the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville next month and has ordered schools to reopen five days a week.

The President, Governor, and Secretary of Education in a disastrous interview are all pushing for the reopening of schools while the state is raging with Coronavirus.
Here are the stats from July, JUST JULY!
July 12th 15,300
July 11th- 10,360
July 10th- 11,433
July 9th- 8,935
July 8th- 9,989
July 7th- 7,347
July 6th- 6,636
July 5th- 10,059
July 4th- 11,458
July 3rd- 9,468
July 2nd- 10,109
July 1st- 6,536

Total, 117,630

Why would we even be considering opening schools for in-person learning? It's reckless and dangerous.
The powers that be know it is not a matter of if but when and how many people will get sick. When people get sick, schools will close, which means we opened them and risked the health and lives of children and teachers for what? A week or two of daycare? To appease a want a be dictator in Washington D.C?
We have to do better, lives are literally depending on it. 

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