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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ron DeSantis's big lie

Liars use two common strategies, make the lie big enough that nobody would believe you would make it up and repeat it over and over again. DeSantis is using both to force teachers and students back into schools.

Over and over again DeSantis has said children are not carriers of COVID-19. This is what the evidence says. 

From the New York Times, 

In the heated debate over reopening schools, one burning question has been whether and how efficiently children can spread the virus to others.
large new study from South Korea offers an answer: Children younger than 10 transmit to others much less often than adults do, but the risk is not zero. And those between the ages of 10 and 19 can spread the virus at least as well as adults do.
The findings suggest that as schools reopen, communities will see clusters of infection take root that include children of all ages, several experts cautioned.
“I fear that there has been this sense that kids just won’t get infected or don’t get infected in the same way as adults and that, therefore, they’re almost like a bubbled population,” said Michael Osterholm, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Minnesota.
Ugh, well it's not like DeSantis would know there were a lot of children 10-19 in schools (sic). Also low is not zero.  
Though there is a meme going around, that asks a pretty legitimate question. What's going to happen when we find out children haven't been getting COVID- 19 because we have kept them quarantined?
The thing is children have been getting.
From Bay News 9,
The Florida Department of Health releases weekly data on pediatric cases. The most recent data shows nearly 8,000 more children have gotten the virus since the week prior. That is a 34 percent increase
More than 31,000 children ages 17 and under have had the coronavirus in Florida. Over the course of eight days, hospitalizations have increased by 23 percent, bringing the total number of children hospitalized to 303.
The percent positivity rate for children increased by 1 percent from the week prior, to 14.4 percent. The state’s overall positivity rate is 12.6 percent.
So the amount of child cases is up, the amount of hospitalizations is up and the positivity rate is up too. GULP GULP and GULP! 
So DeSantis constantly says kids can't get it but even worse when he does so, he doesn't seem to know children both live and are taught by adults. He shows teachers and parents zero concern, ZERO! 
I don't know, if he is an idiot, so far the rabbit hole he figures what's the point of doing better or so far up Trump's a** that he can't how his recklessness is going to cost lives but that is what it is going to do. 
He is going to cost lives, sorry more lives, and that is the bottom line.



    Yesterday's dada for Florida by county from World O Meter, edited in a Google Sheet to show cases per million for the most infected counties. If you look at the active cases per million you will see that there are a number of counties in that are in Phase 2 that have a denser infection rate than Palm Beach County, which is in Phase 1. Why are Columbia, Collier, Duval etc. not being moved back to Phase 1 where schools are mandated to be virtual only? (You are welcome to share and repost.)

  2. Here I am looking at my ballot, trying to research the candidates. After running across your blog and seeing this post in particular... my research is over. We're of the same mind about DeathSantis and his complete lack of empathy for teachers. We need more people like you standing up for what's right, not what's expedient.

    1. Thank you and if you have any questions about any ed subject, please just let me know. And yeah it is surreal what is happening, we should not be having a "should we keep people and slow the spread of a pandemic" conversation. It is a no brainer.

  3. The bottom line is the Republican party cares about 2 things: 1. Their economy (not the well being or wealth of us common folk) and 2. Optics. How do things look? They could care less if 100 or 100000 children and teachers die because of their poor leadership as long as they are part of the population they don't care about ie lower middle class, the working poor and minority communities. I fear without people like Chris to speak for us Democracy as we've known it in this country is over. I have to post anonymously for fear of losing my job if I speak up for my beliefs and the health of my community thanks to the scare tactic e-mail sent this week by the district. Bottom line is vote blue, vote for your interests. It's so much more than gun rights and abortion this time around.
