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Friday, July 24, 2020

Vice Chair Andersen's desperate roll of the dice. (draft)

I think Andersen has done a great job on the board, she's obviously prepared and asks tough questions. Then I have to say I have donated about a thousand dollars to political campaigns, and 800 of it went to her. After the primary and it was down to her and Nick Howell, I donated to her campaign.

Now that is out of the way, let's get to what I believe was a monumentally wrong decision last night when she voted with the majority of the board to take us back to school with brick and mortar options. 

I think her decision to vote so hinged on a couple sentences in the plan, from pages 3 and 4.

The decision to return to full-time five-day face-to-face instruction will be reevaluated as the Labor Day holiday approaches, and we have better data to support the decision. As required in the waiver, if
 approved, any changes in this plan will be made in consultation with the Department of Health – Duval, local medical professionals, and our elected school board members, and in communication with the Florida Department of Education.

Here is a link to the entire plan

So you see if things are terrible by Labor day, we can switch to completely online learning, and we will have cover for because the DOE approved the plan, and right there, we said it might happen.

We just have to survive the first few weeks, and then if things are bad to get a potentially politically compromised Department of Health somebody who, as of now, isn't returning our calls to go along with us.

I don't think things will be much better by Labor Day. I hope I am wrong, but if I am right, Vice-Chair Andersen is putting her hat on a lot of ifs, and the biggest if is perhaps Dr. Greene.

At the NAACP/Friends zoom call, Superintendent Greene made it really clear she wants to go back. That she thinks it is the best plan.

She admitted she is willing to sacrifice safety because when asked if it was entirely up to her, what would she do. She said she would have people back in school, and this despite compelling medical evidence that we are in trouble and schools are breeding grounds for the pandemic.

How bad would it have to be for her to want to got online learning because it is pretty bad now and she doesn't want to?

Also, could the board make her if it was? She is in charge of the day today, and the board voted to make this plan day today.

To me, it seems like Andersen was rolling the dice, and I just pray she doesn't come upon snake eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Make no mistake this 10 day delay is only to give parents more time to sign up for Duval Homeroom. It serves no other purpose. The district has had almost 6 months to get buildings ready for students. How is 10 days gonna make a difference? We've already seen down south how local health departments are reticent to put their recommendations in writing. They know who controls their funding. Answer: it's not school districts.
