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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Aaron Bowman specious reasons for throwing the city's children under the bus

Aaron Bowman loovvvess public schools, loves them so much he has done everything to make sure they don't have the resources they need.

He starts talking at about the 37 minute mark

First he has concerns about low voter turnout which is rich because the city's power structure benefits and plans elections when turn out will be low, and see this past spring as example number one. regardless I am pretty sure everyone knows about the tax referendum by now and will have the opportunity to weigh in should they choose.

His next concern was OPPAGA, it's very important and he just learned about it last week. Oy vey, I can't I just can't, to learn more about it click the link.

Next he wants DCPS to hire people to build buildings and then lease the buildings from them. Um...

He says IDEA schools have come and agreed to open up 15 schools, well not according to the paper with said they had plans to open 4 in four years, but um shouldn't DCPS be in charge of our schools run our schools?

Bowman brings up a mysterious developer to take over the DCPS school board building. You know, one of his pals.  They should get rid of that building because reasons.

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