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Friday, July 12, 2019

Why is the Times Union covering for Gary Chartrand

I have to say for years I have not been impressed with the Times Union's education coverage. That being said with Emily Bloch the new education reporter and Nate Monroe tearing it up I was considering a digital subscription. Unfortunately the Times Union's editorial board blows away any consideration of that happening. A broke clock is more accurate and informed than them.  They are truly an embarrassment to the city and their recent editorial where they anointed Gary Chartrand king of education is just the latest example. 

From the Times Union,

Meanwhile, Gary Chartrand of the Jacksonville Civic Council said the group strongly supports additional funding to meet our school district’s maintenance and construction needs.
“We do believe that all students deserve safe, secure and comfortable learning environments,” Chartrand said. “We are just engaging in the public dialogue to make sure that we have the best plan going forward.”
Mayor Lenny Curry released a statement of support for a “prudent” plan while seeking a level of detail on expenditures that may not be available immediately.
“I am a father of public school students,” Curry said in a news release, “so I know the needs that our community schools will face. I want every single child in every single neighborhood to learn in a school that is safe and reflects the commitment to future success.”
Curry and the Civic Council have said that charter schools must be included in the facilities plan; charter schools, after all, are public schools.
The Civic Council wants the facilities money to be apportioned on a per-student basis, but that just doesn’t make sense for buildings that are leased and relatively new. And Greene has already said that the charters would receive a 5 percent share of the money for security and safety upgrades, and that the district would work closely with the charters.
The Civic Council has also questioned what it calls overly optimistic enrollment projections, which it fears may lead to some schools being built larger than needed — or more schools being built than are actually needed.
Oh the civic council says all that? Well who gives a ^%#$ what the Chartrand and the Civic Council think. They are not the lords of education, two of three of their anointed candidates lost so the city isn't exactly buying what they are selling either and if you believe he cares about our public schools then like the TU"s editorial board your are straight up dumb. I am sorry but I can't say that any nicer.
Chartarnd was on the state board of education for 8 years after he paid off Rick Scott, donated to the Scott Campaign. During that time teacher pay fell, school budgets fell, the state doubled down on high stakes testing, school boards had their authority eroded and charter schools despite hundred, literally hundreds, failed where allowed to greatly expand.  You know because Chartrand cares about our schools.
Hey Mike Clark, Chartrand is not the king of our schools, his voice should not be louder than any other citizen. If he wants to run our schools, he should sell his mansion and move to Jacksonville, that is right friends  he doesn't even live in Duval and run for school board. 
Wouldn't it be nice if we had an editorial board that stood up for our schools rather instead of being nothing but a shill for a millionaire?
For shame Times Union, editorial board, for shame.

1 comment:

  1. I bought a subscription to support the staff at T-U in their efforts to unionize. The editorial board on the other hand doesn't know their arse from a hole in the ground because their livelihoods depend on their ignorant bliss.
    Lenny says he wants public input but that only extends to education and not downtown developmwnt. The same guy who decried charettes on the fate of the Jax Landing now wants to hear from all parties involved? Please.
    Lenny might have kids in public schools but so did Peyton til he termed out of office. Lenny says he cares about these kids. I've seen him at some of these schools. He's great with the smiles and handshakes but using our kids as photo props isn't gonna fix the AC or keep the roof from leaking. Actions speak louder than words. Lenny can talk the talk(when he's not ducking TU reporters) but can he walk the walk? I think we know the answer to that question. At the end of the day Lenny goes back to his San Marco bubble or Shad's yacht/jet while pledging his support for all children's education.
