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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Thank goodness DCPS doesn't run it's schools like city hall runs the city

Over the first six months there have been 81 homicides in Jacksonville the previous high was 68. That's a 20 percent increase over the previous high.

We have spent over 20 million on the Landing to turn it into a field. No community meetings, no plans and as far as I can tell no questions about what comes next from the city council.

Curry has proposed 2.6 million dollars to buy the iconic firehouse on Riverside avenue. No announcement what he attends to do with the 100 year old building and property. 

Then there is Liberty Street. 


A budget boost is now being sought to cover “unforeseen” problems that have surfaced during construction in the aftermath of the 2015 collapse of Liberty Street at Coastline Drive.
Twice before, the cost of the work by the contractor at Liberty Street, Coastline Drive, and the adjacent parking deck has gone up, but until now, that’s all still fit under the $31 million budget for the project. Now, with several million dollars in inspection and administrative costs, one $866,000 change order pending, and a fourth change order possible, the City of Jacksonville is considering another $2 million allocation for the project, which they’re calling a contingency. That would bring the overall budget to $33 million. 
The $2 million request was made under Mayor Lenny Curry’s proposed Capital Improvement Program, and it will face vetting as part of the overall city budget review process in the coming weeks. 
This process started back in early 2015, when Liberty Street near Coastline Drive- which was built on pilings over the St. Johns River, and are therefore considered bridges- collapsed in to the water. The City of Jacksonville ultimately set aside $31 million for the repair and reconstruction, which includes the parking deck not being rebuilt, and instead there will be open water. That contract was awarded in 2016 for $24.7 million, with the estimated construction completion July 2018. 
To sum up they are millions over budget and years behind schedule.
Doesn't it seem like the city council already has a pretty full plate? I mean they aren't just trying to walk and chew bubble gum as they usurp the school boards authority. They are adding another chainsaw as they try and juggle a half dozen on them. 

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