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Monday, July 15, 2019

Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran comes to town and promptly embarrasses himself, me, you, everyone, ugh



I guess I will just let his words do the talking for him, from Florida Politics,

Corcoran is not sold on the performance of Duval County Schools in terms of certain turnaround schools. In that context, we asked Monday if Corcoran approved of the proposal.
The Commissioner does not seem to back the school tax as proposed.
“I’ve been on record: You can teach Plato under a tree,” Corcoran said. “That’s what I say all the time.”
Regarding the capital tax question, Corcoran suggested the money would be better spent on operating expenses.
Um what?
Maybe you can teach Plato under a tree (come on you know he read that is some privatization manual) but can you teach Miguel who doesn't speak English, Emily, who is in a wheelchair or thirty kids from neighborhoods wracked with poverty who don't want to be there under a tree?
Also I want to remind you Corcoran is the education commissioner. how does he know tax referendum's can't be used on operating expenses, they have to be used for maintenance, construction and technology. Um shouldn't he know that?
Corcoran however didn't stop there, also from Florida Politics,
“Every single resource that any local entity has should be going into the classroom. Quality teachers,” Corcoran said. “That’s what’s going to change the outcomes for these students.”
Regarding the referendum, “it’s not going to change” those outcomes, Corcoran predicted.
“You can put every single one of those kids in a ‘Taj Mahal’ and he’s not going to suddenly go from a poor student to a great student,” Corcoran said. “I’ve been very vocal in my opposition to two billion dollars to build new ‘Taj Mahals.’ That’s not a solution.”
Is anyone amazed he mentioned resources? Resources which have been systematically taken away by the state. District's get about a thousand dollars less per student  when you factor in inflation from 2007, and that doesn't include all the unfunded mandates that Tallahassee has burdened districts with.
Then Taj Mahals, what the %$#& how about schools with air conditioners or that don't have mold? This guy is a travesty.Also his attack seems really specific against Jacksonville. 23 other counties have special taxes to help them because Tallahassee has been absent with the resources.
Corcoran whose wife manages charter schools, who has voted on legislation that benefits him and his family has long been a foe of public education, yet because we live in Florida and here we put foxes in charge of hen houses he was made education commissioner but today's embarrassing display just once again showed he has no business being anywhere near our schools.

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