I am going to try and answer all of the city council's questions no matter how ridiculous, frivolous or already answered. My answers will be in bold.
• Council Member Brenda Priestly Jackson, District 10
1. Provide the names and year built of all public schools in Duval County from 1956 until 1969. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
2. Provide the names and year built of all public schools in Duval County from 1970 until 1985. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
3. Provide the names and year built of all public schools in Duval County from 2000 until 2019.
Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own and why didn't she just ask for the names of all the schools.
4. Provide the case citation, including year and jurisdiction, and holding of each legal case filed involving Duval County Public Schools and desegregation, funding, equity or civil rights issues from 1954 until 2018. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
5. Provide the student enrollment for Duval County Public schools each year from 1996 until 2019, disaggregated by traditional public schools and public charter schools. Include with this information data disaggregated by gender, race, socio-economic level, and school board district. Irrelevant
6. Provide the name and address of each public charter school authorized by the Duval County School Board and/or the State Board of Education from 1996 until the present. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
7. Provide the original statute authorizing public charter schools in Florida and all subsequent amendments. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
8. Provide the per student allocation annually for students in Duval County Public Schools, including traditional public schools and public charter schools in Duval County, from 1996 until 2019.Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
9. Provide the names of all public charter schools in Duval County that were closed from
1996 until 2019. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
10. Provide the racial, gender and socio-economic data for each public school in Duval County, including traditional public schools and public charter schools. Irrelevant
11. Provide the student achievement data (reading, mathematics and high school graduation) for students in Duval County Public schools, including traditional public schools and public charter schools, disaggregated by grade, gender, race and socio-economic level from 2008 until 2019. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
12. Provide the data on students in Duval County who have exercised the open enrollment option either to attend a school in Duval County Public Schools or to attend another county (public school) in Florida, 2017-present. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
13. What is the projected revenue annually if the qualified electors in Duval County vote to approve the referendum, Ordinance 2019-0380? This questioned has been answered.
Wow, stunningly bad and this from someone who was on the school board and should know better than most what their needs are and that they don't work for the city council.
If this is what passes for leadership Jacksonville we are in big, big, trouble.
And this is her tweet in response to former Mayor Godbold's scathing indictment of the school board, it is pretty reprehensible as well.

• Council Member Brenda Priestly Jackson, District 10
1. Provide the names and year built of all public schools in Duval County from 1956 until 1969. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
2. Provide the names and year built of all public schools in Duval County from 1970 until 1985. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
3. Provide the names and year built of all public schools in Duval County from 2000 until 2019.
Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own and why didn't she just ask for the names of all the schools.
4. Provide the case citation, including year and jurisdiction, and holding of each legal case filed involving Duval County Public Schools and desegregation, funding, equity or civil rights issues from 1954 until 2018. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
5. Provide the student enrollment for Duval County Public schools each year from 1996 until 2019, disaggregated by traditional public schools and public charter schools. Include with this information data disaggregated by gender, race, socio-economic level, and school board district. Irrelevant
6. Provide the name and address of each public charter school authorized by the Duval County School Board and/or the State Board of Education from 1996 until the present. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
7. Provide the original statute authorizing public charter schools in Florida and all subsequent amendments. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
8. Provide the per student allocation annually for students in Duval County Public Schools, including traditional public schools and public charter schools in Duval County, from 1996 until 2019.Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
9. Provide the names of all public charter schools in Duval County that were closed from
1996 until 2019. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
10. Provide the racial, gender and socio-economic data for each public school in Duval County, including traditional public schools and public charter schools. Irrelevant
11. Provide the student achievement data (reading, mathematics and high school graduation) for students in Duval County Public schools, including traditional public schools and public charter schools, disaggregated by grade, gender, race and socio-economic level from 2008 until 2019. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
12. Provide the data on students in Duval County who have exercised the open enrollment option either to attend a school in Duval County Public Schools or to attend another county (public school) in Florida, 2017-present. Irrelevant and something she could look up on her own
13. What is the projected revenue annually if the qualified electors in Duval County vote to approve the referendum, Ordinance 2019-0380? This questioned has been answered.
Wow, stunningly bad and this from someone who was on the school board and should know better than most what their needs are and that they don't work for the city council.
If this is what passes for leadership Jacksonville we are in big, big, trouble.
And this is her tweet in response to former Mayor Godbold's scathing indictment of the school board, it is pretty reprehensible as well.
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