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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Curry loves public schools so much, he had a charter school exec introduce him at his inauguration

Yeah he loves pubic schools all right. so much he had a charter school exec introduce him at his inauguration.

From Nate Monroe's column in the Times Union,

Curry and the City Council have for now shut down the School Board’s request for voters to weigh in on a half-cent sales tax, which would pay for a major $1 billion-plus renovation of the public school system’s aging buildings. But Curry has indicated he wants to work with the board on a new plan — one that aligns with the wishes of many of his donors and other civic leaders: More tax funding for charters schools. Indeed, the head of KIPP Jacksonville Schools, a source of pride for local charter advocates, emceed the inauguration event Monday, and Curry included in his remarks a shout out to “school choice.”  

Can there be any doubt at this point that Lenny Curry wants our public schools to fail so they can be replaced by charter schools.  What's worse is he is willing to risk economic prosperity for the city to satisfy his donor's desires.

Friends we aren't being led by a group looking our for the common good, no instead we are being ruled by people looking out for themselves. 

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