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Monday, July 15, 2019

Richard Corcoran's wife owns a Taj Mahal charter school, our kids can go learn under a tree

Richard Corcoran believes in the golden rule, he who has the gold makes the rules.

While visiting Duval some of whose schools are literally crumbling, when asked about a special tax referendum they local board is trying to get on the ballot, he commented that Jacksonville doesn't need mini-Taj Mahals for their children and they would do just as well if they were taught under trees.

This is a picture of his wife's charter school, why do I feel like they want for nothing.

Image may contain: house, sky, cloud and outdoor

This is a picture of the public school down the street from former board member Becki Couch

Image may contain: tree, sky, house and outdoor

Um which looks more like the Taj Mahal? That's black mold on the walls by the way.

We are not being led in Florida we are being ruled. 

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