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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The city's plot to privatize our schools explained (draft)

The school district was literally one percentage point away from  an A grade, it's a B plus plus. Now are things perfect everywhere? No to many of our schools in neighborhoods wracked with poverty still struggle with the state test. That being said, you would think most city's would rally around the school district to get it over the hump, that they would leave no stone unturned to make sure it was successful but not Jacksonville, here a bunch of businessmen and politicians have conspired to turn our schools over to charters.

In May at an incredible state board of education meeting state commissioner Richard Corcoran chided superintendent Green to give our schools to the IDEA academy, saying the district had failed it's children.  He even said he wants the authority to take over schools.

Scott Shine since a memo to all the city council members saying the IDEA charter chain is coming soon and bringing 15 schools with them, He wrote, Last week, Idea Charter Schools announced they will bring 12 to 14 schools to Jacksonville – mostly in the urban core.  How are charters recognized as an impact to student populations?

The thing is they announced no such thing, announced anyways and when TU editorial reporter Emily Bloch reached out to them she told me they seemed upset that any news had leaked out and they were in talks to bring 4 schools here in 4 years.

In the article they said they met with the super and board chair and several city leaders, one of who was Aaron Bowman.

Yesterday when giving one specious reason after another to not support the City's schools, at the 41st minute mark of yesterdays city council meeting he said, that he met with their board members and administration and that they have offered to come in and open 15 schools and that has been agreed to by their board.

This is the same group that told the TU 4 in 4 years. Did Bowman just lie to the people of Jacksonville of did IDEA lie to the the Times Union?

So somebody lied, Bowman to the people of Jacksonville or IDEA to the Times Union, either should be unacceptable.

Corcoran, Shine, Curry, Chartrand, Bowman, I don't think it should be lost on anyone that these affluent white men who don't live in communities of color are fighting to have their public schools replaced. They  are meeting with charter chains,  they are saying that 15 IDEA schools is a done deal.

We were less than a percentage point away from an A and instead of saying, hey lets rally together to get us over the hump, city leaders are saying lets replace our public schools with charters and deny them the resources they definitely and desperately need, how is that right? How does that make any sense?

And for my friends who live in more affluent areas of town, who don't think they have to worry about charters replacing their public schools, first they came the schools in the poor areas of town but make no mistake they will come for your schools as well.   

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