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Friday, July 26, 2019

Ju'Coby Pittman's question are contrived and ignorat. How did she get elected?

I am going to try and answer all of the city council's questions no matter how ridiculous, frivolous or already answered.  My answers will be in bold.

 Council Member Ju’Coby Pittman, District 8

1. In regard to schools that will be closed or remodeled, what is the plan for transporting the affected students to the new schools, or will the parents be responsible for their own transportation? No, buses will be provided for every student outside of two miles as the law says. She could have looked this up and it's ridiculous she asked it.

2. What is the order of priority proposed cost and scope and what would be the timeline for the most critical schools, by school names, for closures or remodeling of each school? The school board has said, and over and over again, that security and safety will be its first priorities. You can look at their comprehensive plan to see which schools need the most work.  Its been up for months.

3. Is there an opportunity for the Duval County School Board to modify the construction standards to standards similar to the Charter School construction standards for cost savings or consideration? They have said over and over again that they will consider the special standards when appropriate.

4. What formula is used to determine the increase growth for students enrollment projection for new schools and how would that impact it once the school is built if the enrollment decreases, if projected charter schools are developed in the same communities and a neighborhood. What would be the potential loss revenue? Sigh, enrollment of charter schools has nothing to do with their cut of the referendum, their maintenance needs do. 

5. What is the comprehensive plan for usage of schools that could potentially become an eyesore or abandon in communities and distressed neighborhoods if they are not repurposed? Comprehensive?? The plan involves 158 schools, 1.2 billion dollars over 15 years. What is the city's plan for the Landing or the fire station of a whole host of issues.  Fix your own house then come back and ask what the school board is doing.

Pittman's questions sound like what a mediocre tenth grader trying to finish an assignment in homeroom before it is due 1st period would come up with.  If you voted for her you should be embarrassed.