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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A summary of the rules committee meeting, specious reasons and questions dominate the meeting

It's time to sue. There is nothing the district can do short of giving away its schools and all the tax money to charters that would satisfy the majority of the city council. This meeting just reemphasized that.

First props to Joyce Morgan and Matt Carlucci who supported the tax referendum.

The rest well...

Tommy Hazouri, if you could just answer some more questions maybe we could get behind the referendum. Face palm

Leanna Cumber, I work with a lot of engineering firms so I know engineers, so can you give me a list of every project and when it will take place, for $%#s sake, how do these people get elected.

Randy Defoor, the school board needs to map out every cent, and every move for the next 15 years or she can't support it.

Micheal Boylon points out how desperate our public schools need money and it should be up to the school board to make the decision what to do because that is the job they were elected to do, but, he can't support the referendum.

Despite millions in PECO money and dozens of school choice programs in DCPS schools, Rory Diamond wants money guaranteed for charter schools which are the only schools giving kids a chance. He's the rep from the beach by the way which has some of the best public schools not only in the city but the state. He's a joke.

Warren Jones vice chair of the school board calls out the City Council for blackmailing the district over charter schools. I don't want to say I told you so but...

Speaker calls out City Council for dissuading democracy by having comments at the end of the meeting. She asks, shouldn't we have the discussion before the vote. Amen!

Elizabeth Anderson points out how much has been cut from school district.

Tracie Davis points out the referendum would cost a buck fifty five per month for the average person. The last four are great points that should have probably come up before the vote.

It's time to sue. There is nothing the district can do short of giving away its schools and all the tax money to charters that would satisfy the majority of the city council. 

1 comment:

  1. The city has made this an adversarial process by inserting themselves into something they have no business overseeing. To make matters worse when Greene & the school board try to be transparent the council keeps moving the goalposts. How fast did that pension reform sail thru? What about the Landing & now lot J?? Curry would've sold the JEA under everyone's noses if AB hadn't called him on it.

    As far as a possible lawsuit Terry is way ahead of you...,21632

    Micheal Boylon points out how desperate our public schools need money and it should be up to the school board to make the decision what to do because that is the job they were elected to do, but, he can't support the referendum.

    Why can't Boylan support it? Is it because it should never have been his decision to begin with? That's the only reason I can think of.
